Holiday #1

 "I like to read and write in english even I'm not good at all"

  Almost ten days at village, enjoy my holiday. This is second post I thought since I had been come back from Gombak. Only use blackberry for update my blog or writting an article, it's been so hard for me but I'm really appreciate because I still can do that. Since I start this writting, I'm still have bad grammer. Sorry for my bad. I write this at village in coffee shop, while waiting for customer. Enjoying "Hilang" by Najwa Latif at radio and their DJ 'bebel'ing, it's enough to make the coffee shop happening.

 It's a tough day. Enjoy my reading about 'Rationalisma' by Dr. Syed Hussein Alatas, it make me think twice from what he said.

"Masyarakat kita sedang diselimuti oleh awan gelap, awan kepercayaan kuno, awan mistik yang karut, awan nilai-nilai kotor, awan pemikiran cetek dan degil, awal bebalisme, awan gelap yang hanya dapat dipecahkan oleh cahaya rasionalisma."

I'll leave all of you with his statement. Think and find the solution. Thanks for reading.


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